Ad Details
Added: December 9, 2017
Condition: new
Location: United States
State: Alabama
City: All
Views: 137
Seller’s Comments and Description:
I am looking for an English speaking assistant that can work from 10 to 20 hours a week. Please read all of the following requirements and make sure you follow the instructions.
The job is available for people permanently living in Japan.
It can be ideal opportunity for individuals that look for additional income.
This person will work directly with regional manager to be trained to handle the following tasks.
– receiving an Invoice to your E-mail with all the details of the transfer.
– receiving a wire transfer from our partners
– forwarding the transfers through money transfer systems
– providing monthly reports
The successful candidate will –
1. Be able to follow instructions clearly and independently.
2. Should have a computer and stable Internet connection.
3. Be responsible, professional and be able to work unsupervised, and independently.
If interested or can recommend a good candidate for this role, please, contact me via