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Added: August 10, 2020
Sale Price: $5500
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Location: United States
State: New Jersey
City: Jersey City
Phone: 9791703519
Views: 222
Wanna create your own wallet like metamask? You reached right place for your wallet creation!!
Here is the complete guide about metamask, every thing you need to know about meta mask development, their features and benefits.
Coinjoker introduced metamask like wallet browser and chrome extension and installation service is a one-click, cryptographically-secure login flow, with no third party involved, called “Login with MetaMask” like metamask clone. We introduced metamask like cryptocurrency wallet creation for a digital signature of a back end-generated random nonce can prove ownership of an account, and therefore provide authentication. Coinjoker also offers metamask like wallet extension for chrome with the trade-offs of this login mechanism compared to traditional email/password or social logins, both on desktop and on mobile.
Even though the target audience of such a login flow is still small today, So, our metamask clone app inspired many users to offer Login with MetaMask like metamask functionalities in your own web app, in parallel to traditional login flows.