Homeland munchkins cats and kittens for sale

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Ad Details

  • Added: October 27, 2020

  • Condition: new

  • Location: India

  • State: Andra Pradesh

  • City: Adoni

  • Phone: 9479257886

  • Views: 334


Munchkins are the same as every other cat — except they have short legs, can run at speed and have

exceptional cornering skills — they also have a great deal of love to offer their devoted owners.These

sociable cats are extremely playful and love to run, chase an play with toys. They love company

including children, dogs and other pets. Munchkins are extremely curious and will sit up on their hind

legs like a rabbit to get a better view of something that has caught their attention. These self-assured

cats leave no stone unturned or corner unexplored. They may not jump from the floor to the top of the

bookcase in a single bound but they will show off their jumping prowess and intelligence as they find a

path that takes them there in smaller steps. Once you know them, these lovable little cats capture your

heart forever.
you can check on are website for more informatio:https://homelandmunchkins.net/

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