Ad Details
Added: April 24, 2020
Condition: new
Location: UAE
State: Dubai
City: All
Views: 201
We provide Loan and finance your Projects through our Organization .Active existing Financial Capital under the following terms and condion.PROJECT FINANCING & LOAN : We do request and by order of our customers LOAN TERM COMPLIANCE SHEET: Loan Interest rate: 2 or 3 % annually Grace Period: 36 Months 3YearsLoan Capacity : From 1 to 10M Euro or USDLoan Duration : 10-15 -25 Years Depending the project .Loan Security: Bank Bond,Bank Guarantee BG SBLC1. To enable our Company fund your Project Borrower MUST provide Loan Security/Collateral in form of Bank Guarantee/SBLC issued by top rated A Bank such as Union Bank of Switzerland or HSBC before our Company will release disburse the required Loan for the Project.2. We always advise Borrowers to provide Bank Guarantee SBLC directly from their local Banks, However if the borrower is unable to Provide Loan Security Bank Guarantee/SBLC through their local Banks we can refer them to a Company which will assist them to source and secure Loan Security Privately for the Projects.3. We can help or assist Borrowers by referring them to a Trusted , reliable and Credible Company to enable the Borrower secure Loan Security Bank Guarantee/SBLC which will stand as Loan Security for the required Loan.